The Seasoned Chef

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Top Three Kitchen Safety Rules to Remember

Whether you just graduated from our Young Chef Camps, or are a culinary mastermind, kitchen safety should always be top of mind.  There’s a reason we start off every class by reviewing some simple rules that help to keep everyone safe in the kitchen!   

Kitchen-related injuries are more common than you might think, not only significantly delaying your cooking process, but also potentially harming yourself or your loved ones.

Keep these three simple reminders in mind next time you’re in the kitchen and you’ll be helping to keep the kitchen a fun and safe place to be.


Top Three Kitchen Safety Rules to Know
Number 1: Use a dry, double-folded terry cloth towel to pick up hot objects

Burns in the kitchen slow the cooking process down, hurt like heck, and ruin an otherwise fun environment. A serious burn can even lead to a trip to the emergency room!

Your first line of defense is always a dry, double-folded terry cloth towel.

Today’s modern cookware has an important feature - On the stove, the pan will get hot but the pot handle will not. However, the handle can easily still get hot if the pan is not centered on the burner, the handle is over another burner that is still producing heat, or if the pan was in the oven. Because you can never be too sure, we recommend always using this user-friendly version of a hot pad to be safe, rather than sorry.

And, just in case you may be wondering, this solution is even better than a traditional hot pad because it’s thicker than most hot pads and easier to put in your pocket or hook on an apron string without misplacing it. Pro tip: You’ll also look really official when you sling it over your shoulder.  ;)

The only problem you can run into when using a towel is moisture because steam is one of the fastest ways to transfer heat. If your towel has any moisture on it, when you grab the pan with the towel it will steam the palm of your hand. (Ouch!) To prevent this, use a separate towel for wiping up spills and cleaning your cook area as you go.


 Number 2: Give a warning to others in the kitchen

Traveling through a crowded kitchen of two or more people can be a dangerous activity. To keep everyone safe, when you pass behind someone, remember that you are out of their view. Tell them you are there!

We teach our classes to quickly say, “Behind!” if they’re going to be passing by someone. This simple step precludes any upsets that can happen related to hot pans, trays of food, sharp knives, or any of the several potentially hazardous items that might be traveling through the kitchen at any time.


Number 3: Knife safety rules
Quite frequently, we catch students being just a little too haphazard with their knives in the kitchen. Though, similar to burns, ignoring the rules of knife safety can lead to potentially very serious consequences!


A few quick rules to remember:

●      Never try to catch a falling knife.

●      Only have the knife in your hand while you are cutting.

●      Never share a cutting board with another person cutting food. Each cook should have his/her own board and knife.

●      If you must travel through the kitchen with the knife, travel with its point down, edge pointing toward your back and right by your side. Never have the point or the edge of the knife pointing away from you.

●      Immediately wash, dry, and put away your knife after you are done using it. Wash your knife separate from all other kitchen tools, never leave it in the sink, and do not wash it in the dishwasher for safety and to keep your knife construction undamaged.


Keep Your Kitchen Safe!  

Common sense is always your best ally in the kitchen. Just a few simple rules will keep your kitchen a fun and SAFE place for you and your family to cook for years to come.